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MATCH! Search Parameters

  1. You MUST select a license type (CCI or CPA) first. CCI providers include transitional living (TLP) and independent living (ILP) programs. The list of program designations will appear after you select a license type.
  2. Starred search criteria are required parameters. The bottom criteria are optional parameters. Selecting optional criteria may result in a smaller set of results.
  3. When searching by region/county, results include CCI sites or CPA foster homes physically located in the selected region or county. To search in specific counties, first pick one or more DFCS regions; the county list will populate based on the region(s) selected.

View Report
After you have entered your criteria, click "View Report" at the bottom of the screen. The report will open in a new tab. Please be patient while the system checks thousands of beds! The results will load as a PDF in your browser.

Provider Profile Report
Click on the Provider Name in the search results to view the comprehensive RBWO Provider Profile Report. This report includes pertinent information about each program, such as a full program description, current placement and capacity data, quarterly performance-based contract scoring, admissions/contact information, authorized RBWO program designations and rates, staffing counts by title/position, accreditation status, counties and population served, as well as special programs and services offered.


*Provider Type:
*Large Sibling Group:
*DFCS Region:
Any Region
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Region 8
Region 9
Region 10
Region 11
Region 12
Region 13
Region 14
*Program Designation:
*Child Gender:
*Child Age:
0-2 Yrs
3-5 Yrs
6-8 Yrs
9-11 Yrs
12-14 Yrs
15-17 Yrs
18 Yrs & up
Filter by Provider Site County:
Filter by Youth Characteristics:
Behavioral Issues - Mild
Behavioral Issues - Moderate
Behavioral Issues - Severe
Delinquent Behaviors
Developmentally Delayed
Educational Issues - Mild
Educational Issues - Moderate
Educational Issues - Severe
Emotional/Psychological Issues - Mild
Emotional/Psychological Issues - Moderate
Emotional/Psychological Issues - Severe
Known/Suspected Marijuana Use
Medical Issues - Mild
Medical Issues - Moderate
Medical Issues - Severe
Medically Fragile
Oppositional/Defiant Behaviors
Other Substance Use
Recent DJJ History
Self-Injurious (Cutters)
Sexual Abuse History
Sexual Offenders
Sexually Exploited
Tobacco Use