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GA+SCORE Account Information

Who has login access to GA+SCORE?
Login access to GA+SCORE is available to:
  • Staff at private Georgia agencies contracted with the Office of Provider Management (OPM) to provide out-of-home care through the Room, Board, and Watchful Oversight (RBWO) program.
  • DFCS staff in the state offices for OPM, the Care Coordination Treatment Unit (CCTU), and other public and private partners identified by OPM.
Do I need login access to GA+SCORE?
You can complete the following without a user account:
How do I request login access to GA+SCORE?
The process varies depending on your role. If you are:
  1. Staff at a contracted RBWO agency AND your agency has at least one current user in GA+SCORE: Contact a super user at your agency to request login access to GA+SCORE. New accounts are created on the Quick Links >> User Management screen as described on page 2 of the user manual.
  2. Staff at a newly contracted RBWO agency and no one at your agency has access to GA+SCORE: Forward a copy of Annex D/E of your executed RBWO contract to and include the name and email address of your first user.
  3. DFCS county, regional, or state staff, or staff at another public or private agency that is not RBWO-contracted: Please reach out to the Office of Provider Management for approval to access GA+SCORE.
How do I reset my password?
Click the link below the password field on, type your username (email address) into the pop-up, and submit. You should receive an email within 5 minutes containing a link to reset your password.
  • If you receive the error "There is no valid user account on file.", please double-check the spelling of your email address. Then follow the process above to reqeust login access to GA+SCORE.
  • If you receive the error "This user account is currently inactive.", have your agency super user email on your behalf to request reinstatement.
  • If you receive another error or the promised email does not arrive, please contact us at