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E-Blast: Time-Sensitive: Caregiver Email Addresses

February 6, 2024 3:31 PM

Greetings RBWO Providers,

CPA caregiver email addresses are currently collected in GA+SCORE for all CPA caregivers at initial onboarding. DFCS is asking you to review those email addresses and verify that they are up to date.

  1. Each CPA program will be emailed a list this afternoon of your currently approved foster parents and the email addresses that were provided. This email, titled "GA+SCORE: Caregiver Email Addresses", will be sent to the Executive Director, Site Director, and Primary FH Contact listed on your orange Profile >> Contact Information page.
  2. Please review your list and ensure that the primary email address for each home is accurate. If an email address is missing or incorrect, please provide the email address on the home's green Profile >> Contact Info screen.
  3. When all addresses are correct, someone from your program should click the banner at the top of the page in GA+SCORE and complete the confirmation process. (This is similar to the annual confirmation process for the RBWO Minimum Standards.)
This information is needed by close of business this Thursday, February 8th
Thank you.
The Office of Provider Management