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E-Blast: DFCS Youth Advisory Board Recruitment Information Session

February 17, 2023 12:24 PM

Dear Providers:

The Division of Family Children Services’ Georgia Peers Advocating for Change Youth Advisory Board (GPAC, pron. Gee-Pack) was created in 2020 to support the infusion of youth voice within the child welfare continuum. Georgia Peers Advocating for Change (GPAC) is the Division’s statewide youth advisory board and consists of youth and young adults ages 16-26 with foster care experience after age 14. GPAC’s mission is to empower and advocate for children and youth in Georgia’s foster care system through education, legislative action, and career empowerment with a strong community of peers to go beyond foster care. These young leaders have worked collaboratively with other organizations to advocate for the best care possible. In their first year, GPAC members participated in several local, regional, state, and national events where they have been instrumental in using their voices to impact change. Since their development, they have represented their peers in over forty initiatives or events, and some have received awards and recognition for their work. 

We are pleased to announce that the board is currently recruiting new members!!!!

The GPAC Board is excited about the opportunity of expansion and seeks to onboard new members who share the same passion for using their voices in making a change.  To support our recruitment efforts, the board requests that you share the attached flyer with youth you serve. We are seeking youth who have an interest in learning about GPAC and you believe will also serve well as a member.

The board members will host an INFORMATION SESSION on February 20th, 2023 from 4:00 pm-5:00 pm for interested youth and youth that you would like to recommend to represent your region/area.

(Participants must be ages 16-26 and eligible for Chafee benefits. Limited slots may also be available for youth adopted after the age of 14).

Please see the flyer attached to access the link for this event.

If anyone has any questions, please reach out to ILS Latrice Bakon and Mrs. Wynecoka Thompson.

Thank you. 

Georgia Peers Advocating for Change Youth Advisory Board (GPAC)