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E-Blast: DEADLINE REMINDER: FY2023 RBWO Minimum Standards and RPPS Confirmation

October 4, 2022 3:42 PM

Dear Providers:
For each RBWO program operating within your agency, please have the director or their representative confirm in GA+SCORE that:
  1. They have received and reviewed the FY2023 RBWO Minimum Standards.
  2. The Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard is operating as intended (Minimum Standard 6.27 f).
How to confirm: When you are logged into GA+SCORE, you will see a blue banner across the top of each page if your program has not yet confirmed both items. Click on the link in the banner, check the box besides the item(s) you wish to confirm, select the name of the director/designee from the dropdown (or type it if the authorized person is not listed), and enter the date of the confirmation. You can confirm the items separately (different directors and/or different dates) or together.
If your agency has multiple programs, you will need to report this information for each program separately.
Who should confirm: The program director or executive director, or their designee, should report the confirmation.
When to confirm: Please be sure both items have been handled by Friday, 10/07.
For questions about the RBWO Minimum Standards or RPPS policy, please contact your monitoring team at OPM. For questions about reporting in GA+SCORE, email
Thank you.
The Office of Provider Management