Dear Providers:
The Georgia Resilient, Youth-Centered, Stable, and Empowered (GARYSE) Program is Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) State John H. Chafee Independent Living Program (ILP). The mission of GA RYSE is to provide eligible youth with opportunities to successfully prepare for adulthood through appropriate referral resources and connections provided by community partners. With adequate outreach and support, our goal is to improve outcomes for youth and young adults who are in or who have transitioned out the foster care system.
In 2021, the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services received federal stimulus funding to support our youth/young adults in care through the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Funding was provided to ensure eligible youth and young adults received direct financial assistance as they navigated and transitioned through the COVID-19 global health crisis and pandemic. The funding supports the immediate needs of eligible youth and young adults between the ages of 18 and 22 who may lack access to stable housing, income, and other resources.
We are approaching the ending of this resource (ends September 30, 2022) and we want to ensure all our eligible youth and young adults in care (or who have experienced foster care) between the ages of 18 and 22 are aware of this funding and the supports that are available. After September 30, 2022, this resource will no longer be available. Please see the attached flyer or click the website link below for additional information and the application. Eligibility guidelines and additional documents needed for application are outlined on the website.
GA RYSE Pandemic Relief:
Please share the attached flyer with your networks who support and engage our older youth and young adults in care.
Thank you!
Georgia Resilient, Youth-Centered, Stable, and Empowered (GARYSE) Program