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E-Blast: Micro-Cash Grant for Former Foster Youth -- Please Share

May 23, 2022 2:28 PM

Dear Providers:

We are excited to share an opportunity the Division of Family & Children Services’ GARYSE Chafee Program has created in partnership with the Think of Us Research and Development Lab. Young adults ages 18-22 who experienced foster care in Georgia after their 14th birthday are eligible to apply for a one-time $1,000 micro-cash grant. There are only twelve available so applicants need to act FAST!

Think of Us is a nonprofit working to transform child welfare by putting the people most impacted by the system - current and former foster youth, caregivers and biological parents - at the center of creating systemic change. The Division has partnered with Think of Us to offer this grant, better understand the needs of young people, and connect them to the services they need.

Please spread the word to young people you believe may be eligible! 

  • “Are you between the ages of 18-22 and experienced foster care in the Georgia child welfare system after your 14th birthday? If so, you may be eligible to apply for one of twelve $1,000, 1 time, need-based grants from @ThinkOf_Us -
  • Flyer to share
If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you all for your partnership and your willingness to spread the message!

GARYSE Chafee Program