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E-Blast: Amerigroup Virtual Town Hall: Education Advocacy

January 10, 2022 12:24 PM

Dear Providers:
Please join us for a statewide virtual town hall focusing on Education Advocacy. Amerigroup Georgia Families 360° is partnering with Georgia Appleseed who will provide participants with helpful tools and information to use when advocating for foster youth who may face long-term exclusionary school discipline (suspension of more than 10 days or expulsion). 

Participants will also receive insight and information from the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services Educational Programming, Assessment and Consultation (EPAC) team who will provide an overview of their program and educational support services offered along with educational resources available through the Amerigroup Georgia Families 360° value added benefits program. Training certificates will be provided.

Who should attend? Caregivers, transitional age youth, case managers, Independent Living Specialists, Community partners, CPAs, CCIs, teachers, counselors, etc.

When: Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST 

Register in advance for this webinar: click here to register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Thank you.
Amerigroup GF360°