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E-Blast: Influenza Vaccination During Non-Flu Season -- Updated Guidance

July 8, 2021 10:07 AM

Dear CPA Providers:
Georgia DFCS policy 14.01 requires “all household members who will be caregivers of infants and children with special medical needs must have an up-to-date annual influenza vaccination, unless the immunization is contrary to the individual’s health as documented by a licensed health care professional.” However, based on CDC recommendations and local vaccine availability, caregivers approved and/or re-evaluated between June and September may not have the opportunity to receive the flu vaccine timely.
Please see the linked memo for guidance on how to appropriately document when a family is approved to care for a child between the age of 0 and 24 months and/or children with special medical needs but the caregivers are unable to obtain the flu vaccine.
Thank you.
The Office of Provider Management