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E-Blast: Correction: Virtual Events for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care

June 16, 2021 1:19 PM

Greetings all,

The GARYSE Chafee Program is hosting a virtual event series in the month of June titled “In The Children’s Place” and the intent for this series is to provide information valuable guidance to expectant and parenting youth in foster care. Participants will be able navigate a guided virtual experiencing that will be both engaging and informative. This event was planned and will be hosted in partnership with the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Upon verification of attendance, participants will be provided the following:

  1. A Baby Safety Kit
  2. Two books:
    1. Brain Stages - How to Raise Smart, Confident Kids and Have Fun Doing It (K-5)
    2. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
  3. A $50 Gift Card to The Children’s Place

Please use the links in the flyer to register attendees for the date that is most conducive to their schedule. Note that the registration link for the session on 6/29 has been corrected:

Thank you.