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E-Blast: MWO Providers: PAUSE Call Participation Requested Today (5/26) at 1 PM

May 26, 2021 12:03 PM

Greetings Providers,

Thank you for your participation in the statewide PAUSE Calls that occurred last week. OPM is requesting your assistance again. One of our RBWO providers will not be renewing their FY22 RBWO contract and we need your help to secure placements for several male and female children, ranging in age from 12 to 18 years, with MWO program designations. We would like for all MWO CPA and CCI providers with available bedspace to participate in the PAUSE call today at 1:00 PM. 

Please note that the children staffed today will be those with high end behavioral, medical, and/or emotional needs. Please bring your creative thinking and flexibility as we work together to identify potential placement matches. 

Use the following link to join the PAUSE call occurring today at 1PM.

Microsoft Teams meeting
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only): 470-344-9228, Phone Conference ID: 477 390 111#

Thank you.

The Office of Provider Management