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E-Blast: Reminder: GARYSE Independent Living Program Virtual Event Series - April 2021

April 21, 2021 1:17 PM

Dear ILP Providers:

The GARYSE Chafee Program is hosting a series of virtual events for current for former eligible youth ages 18-23.  The youth must register to attend!  Eligible participants will receive the following incentives:

  • $50 Gift Card
  • T-Shirt
  • Journal (Goal Getters)
  • FosterClub© Transition Toolkit

Operation Manhood – Becoming Who I’m Meant to Be -- Join us 4/27!

This event series will target young adult males ages 18-23 with lived foster care experience.  The event will be hosted by an adult former youth who will encourage the young males to persevere through their past trauma and realize their potential.  They will be encouraged to seize opportunities to be connected to adult supporters who can support them in reaching their goals.  

Goal Getters -- Join us 4/22 or 4/29!

This event series will be for young adult females with lived foster care experience.  Participants will be encouraged to use their experiences to strengthen their resolve to reach their goals.  They will be empowered to look at their strengths and build on them – to seek opportunities rather than be discouraged by their experiences, and to use their voice to empower themselves and others. 

Participants must:

  • Must be ages 18 – 23
  • Have been in foster care after their 16th birthday
  • Register before the event date

To register, click on the program title to open the flier and then on the date you prefer!

Thank you.