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E-Blast: Virtual Safety Reviews: February 2021

February 10, 2021 4:27 PM

Dear Providers,

The Office of Provider Management will begin conducting virtual Safety Reviews in the month of February 2021.  Safety reviews will be conducted randomly across all CCIs, CPAs, ILP and TLP programs.  The assigned OPM Monitoring Specialist will be reaching out to your agency staff, foster parents and ILP youth to schedule the Safety Reviews with a specified timeframe.  

CCI/TLP providers will be asked to identify a staff person that can assist with virtually walking the Monitoring Specialist throughout the home and setting up a device in a private area for staff and youth interviews. 

CPAs, please ensure your foster parent contact information is accurate in GA SCORE and notify foster parents that OPM Monitoring Specialists will be making contact with them to conduct a virtual Safety Review of their home.  Interviews with youth and foster parent will also need to be conducted in a private area. If for some reason OPM is unable to make contact with a foster parent to schedule a Safety Review, the Monitoring Specialist will make contact with your agency for assistance with completing the Safety Review.

ILP providers will be asked to provide contact information for youth and assist the Monitoring Specialist with scheduling and completing the Safety Review.

If there are any questions about the virtual Safety Review process, please contact your assigned Monitoring Manager.

Thank you.

The Office of Provider Management