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E-Blast: GARYSE/Chafee Program Partnership w/ Carrie Steele Pitts Homes - February Workshop Schedule

February 5, 2021 5:19 PM

Greetings Georgia Partners –

In partnership with Carrie Steele Pitts Home (CSPH), the GARYSE/Chafee Program presents the February workshop schedule for Life Skill Trainings. The Life Skills Trainings will provide valuable information and teachable life skills to youth and young adults, ages 14 to 21, to successfully prepare them for adulthood.

The complete schedule is available here. Please share and encourage your youth to participate. All interested youth should visit to register.

If you have any questions, please contact a representative at CSPH at or a GARYSE/Chafee Program staff at

Kind Regards,

GARYSE/Chafee Program